Through a Gender Lens: Climate Change
Addressing the unequal distribution of resources is crucial to achieving comprehensive climate action and policies.
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Addressing the unequal distribution of resources is crucial to achieving comprehensive climate action and policies.
They are challenging mining projects, the privatisation of coastlines and protected areas, fighting international trade deals...
"We don't need to 'fix' women - We need to build systems that work for them.
The Green Climate Fund has approved almost US$25 million in grant funding in support of Bangladesh’s efforts.
Sierra examines gender equity and the ecological crisis.
"CARE raises awareness of gender equality among women and men to foster change, and it’s working!"
Women are caught between their traditional social responsibilities and the increasing impact of climate change.
Women are responsible for 70 to 80% of all agricultural labor in Nigeria, yet, only 10% of land owners in Nigeria are women.
"We must ensure that climate change adaptation planning in Liberia addresses the gender imbalance between men and women".
Women Are at the Forefront of Climate Action in Samoa
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