Policy Brief: The Role of Women in Shaping Climate Policy
- Mira Kadapurath
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Mandatos de género
en la política climática
Estadística de la participación
de la mujer
en la política climática
Perfiles de países
Tres lideresas comunitarias dialogaron sobre los retos que supone el cambio climático para las mujeres y personas menstruantes.
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals depends on tackling women's land tenure insecurity in the Global South.
An overview of why climate change and its impacts are gendered.
The Roots Rising Campaign for Gender-Just Climate Finance provides coordination and awareness for urgent action.
The event “Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) and Gender Equality” was held at CSW68.
There is a way to combat climate change and invest in programmes that empower women at the same time: taxing the ultra-rich.
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