World Leaders to Explore Girls’ Education as Climate Crisis Solution at Upcoming United Nations Conference
An “unprecedented” level of interest in girls’ education as a climate solution is growing worldwide, advocates say.
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An “unprecedented” level of interest in girls’ education as a climate solution is growing worldwide, advocates say.
Maria Laura Rojas recognizes, "It's like a loop between the underlying causes of gender inequality and climate change impacts."
In India, including the 'Save Aarey' movement in Mumbai, women have been at the forefront of resisting threats to biodiversity
Climate action requires women—especially Indigenous and rural women, whose communities are most affected by climate change.
It is high time we break the silos and find solutions holistically
Any meaningful international effort to address climate change must have women and girls at its center.
International leaders sign joint statement at COP26.
More extreme weather is taking girls out of school, forcing them into earlier marriages & increasing their exposure to violence
To make their voices heard at COP26, a hundred rural women met in Dakar to demand climate justice.
Countries can achieve their commitments if they include the crucial role of women in climate change mitigation.
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