Climate Migration Amplifies Gender Inequalities
Nepal is one of the countries in the world most vulnerable to climate change.
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Nepal is one of the countries in the world most vulnerable to climate change.
Climate change-provoked droughts have devastating consequences for the health of women and girls.
El 80% de las personas migrantes climáticas son mujeres y niñas: reivindican su inclusión en la toma de decisiones.
The U.S. Census Bureau has collected data on sexual orientation and gender identity related to disaster displacement.
Climate change a highly gender-sensitive issue, exacerbated by sea-level rise, storm surges and high waves.
Food insecurity is projected to increase by as much as 236 million more among women and girls, according to the SDGs Report.
The climate crisis is underscoring pre-existing global inequities, including those caused by gender.
Despite being at the forefront of climate movements, women continue to be absent from climate decision-making processes.
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