How Climate Change Is Affecting the LGBTQIA+ Community
Climate change raises the hardships of trans & queer people worldwide.
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Climate change raises the hardships of trans & queer people worldwide.
"If we want to tackle the climate crisis and build a resilient future for everyone, we must be strategic and proactive."
Les sessions aident les femmes à mieux s’organiser et à lutter contre les changements climatiques en Afrique de l'Ouest.
The law and policy framework to respond to climate change in South Africa is "for the most part not gender inclusive."
Owning their own land allows Kenyan women to build resilience to drought & flooding, but many are unaware of empowering laws
Local governments need to support women impacted by the climate crisis in the Himalaya
New research shows that empowering women through improved healthcare, education, & representation in government aids adaptation.
She explains how women are disproportionately affected, and why we need to be better represented at decision-making tables
Here are six ways we can incorporate gender equality within nationally determined contributions to the Paris Agreement
Des sommités s’en sont émues auprès parce que la Conférence sur le climat de Glasgow manque de de leadership feminin.
About 450 female politicians, academics & activists demand equal representation for women on the UK's male dominated COP26 team
The job of collecting water during the dry season is sending women in northern Kenya farther afield, even while pregnant.
A case study in Brazil points to a deep gender gap that still has to be bridged in the policymaking debate.
Rural women's capacity to confront natural disasters needs strengthening as they are most vulnerable to global warming impacts.
Natural disasters force women to take any chance to secure resources – whether through transactional sex or early marriage.
La N’Djaménoise s’est imposée comme l’une des personnalités incontournables des négociations sur le climat.
UN Climate Change has significantly boosted support efforts in two series of virtual workshops in 2020
Global health and climate change researcher Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson concludes, “social positions determine life and death.”
"Where we aren’t seeing women, however, is in the Canadian government's green recovery plans."
Civil society organisations are campaigning for a gender-equal and diverse COP26 leadership team
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