Educating Girls is More Effective in the Climate Emergency than Many Green Technologies
Educating girls has benefits beyond the individual and any particular society, resulting in rapid and transformative change.
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Educating girls has benefits beyond the individual and any particular society, resulting in rapid and transformative change.
Women climate leaders sounded notes of hope, solidarity, and urgency during a webinar convened recently.
Women as life-givers understand intimately the relationship between body, environment, movement, and our place in the world.
Climate governance policy is unable to account for the gender and caste inequalities that are dominant today.
The argument for girls’ education is both simple and powerful. However, it isn’t as it appears. Here are 3 reasons why.
Voici cinq raisons pour lesquelles l'action climatique et les femmes doivent être considérées de manière globale.
Les femmes sont en première ligne face au réchauffement climatique.
If you care about gender equality, then you need to care about climate change and consider its impact on women and girls.
2020 International Women’s Day theme 'I am Generation Equality: Realising Women’s Rights is closely linked to climate change'.
New report by UN Women finds climate emergency, conflict & alarming rise of exclusionary politics all threaten gender equality.
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