When It Comes to Climate Resilience, Gender Matters
As the climate crisis intensifies, attention is turning to how to foster resilience among the communities most affected by it.
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de la mujer
en la política climática
Perfiles de países
As the climate crisis intensifies, attention is turning to how to foster resilience among the communities most affected by it.
Divorcing environmental issues from questions of gender & sexuality is not possible to live on a sustainable & equitable planet.
Extreme events drive economic instability, food insecurity &mental stress, disrupt infrastructure & exacerbate gender inequality
The importance of climate change has been distinctly recognised by young people, with young women leading a push for change.
WEDO publishes their latest report on women's participation statistics from the 2021 UNFCCC sessions.
Climate justice will not become a reality unless SRHR are placed at the centre of adaptation responses to climate change.
Climate change has not only incalculable ecological impacts but complex intertwining w/ global patterns of societal inequality.
The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN WOMEN) launched its Strategic Note for 2022-2025
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