Climate Change: Women’s Role in the Economy is Key to a Just Transition
The realities of climate change are hitting home for many people living in the global south.
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Profiles de pays
The realities of climate change are hitting home for many people living in the global south.
EU delegates left the room in protest against gender language backtracking.
Intersectionality is central to just and effective climate action, yet there has been resistance to integrating it in the UNFCCC
Climate change affects women’s health, livelihoods and security disproportionately because of gender inequality and patriarchy.
Older people are not only witnesses to the changing climate but are active, vital participants in addressing it.
Así golpea la injusticia climática a las mujeres del Sur global.
As climate impacts increase, so too does the violence and harassment facing women in the world of work.
At the Bonn talks, governments made little progress on gender equality while evidence shows women bear a heavy climate burden.
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